
Article I

The name of this organization shall be the Strong’s Neck Civic Association.

Article II

The purpose of the Association shall be to promote the general welfare of Strong’s Neck, Setauket, New York.

Article III

Membership in this Association shall be limited to residents or property owners of Strong’s Neck, who are of voting age.

Article IV

The elective officers of the Association shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer. There shall be a Board of Directors consisting of these officers and six elective members, which shall have charge of the government of the Association and the management of it’s property.

Article V
Nominations and Elections

The officers shall be elected for a term of one year, such year to run from annual meeting to annual meeting. The directors shall be elected for a term of three years, each year to be from annual meeting to annual meeting.

A nominating committee shall be appointed by the President.

Article VI

The Association shall hold an annual meeting for the election of it’s officers and directors, and for such other business as may be deemed pertinent.

Special meetings may be called by the Board of Directors or upon a request from ten members, by the President.

A notice of all regular and special meetings shall be made public.

Article VII

This Constitution and the By-Laws may be amended by submitting the proposed amendment in writing to the Board of Directors, and reading same to the members of the Association at any regular or special meeting. Two-thirds vote of the members present shall be necessary for adoption. Meeting notices must include the proposed amendment to be voted upon. Voting on such amendment shall be at the time of the meeting.